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    XSS in aicontactsafe

    An XSS vulnerability was found in aiContactSafe 2.0.19.

    All older versions are affected.

    Please update your site to version 2.0.21 or newer.

    The update process is done by simply installing the new version over the old one.

    There shouldn't be any problem with the update ( it was tested on several sites ) but a back-up is always recommended.


     This vulnerability was discovered by Adam Willard, verified and coordinated by Jose Carlos de Arriba, from Foreground Security ( ).



    aiContactSafeShort description

    aiContactSafe is a native Joomla! 1.5.x component developed by Algis Info.
    You can use it to place a complex contact form on your web page.
    Here are some of the facilities that it can offer:
    - custom fields
    - captcha
    - custom text related to the contact informations
    - multilingual support ( through Joomfish )
    - SEFthrough Artio JoomSEF or sh404SEF




    If you use aiContactSafe, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.


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    logo_aisobisearchShort description

    aiSobiSearch is a Joomla! plugin developed by Algis Info Grup.

    It has native versions for Joomla! 1.5.x and Joomla! 2.5.x.

    It extends the core Joomla search function to SOBI items and categories.


    This plugin can be used with the component Advanced Search from, which improves the native Search feature of Joomla!.

    If you use aiSobiProSearch, please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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    logo_aisobisearchShort description

    aiSobiSearch is a native Joomla! 1.5.x plugin developed by Algis Info Grup.
    It extends the core Joomla search function to SOBI items and categories.

    Register to



    Vand teren in Brasov - Nicolae Titulescu ( Centrul Civic )